Cari M. Pick, Ph.D.
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Social Psychology
Post-Doctoral Research Scholar
Arizona State University
Cari M. Pick, Ph.D.
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Social Psychology
Post-Doctoral Research Scholar
Arizona State University
"Don't become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin."
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)
Research interests
- Social psychology from an evolutionary perspective -
- Intragroup dynamics and intergroup relations -
How do we perceive others--what beliefs do we form about the threats and opportunities they pose for us? How do we feel and then act toward these others, based on these threat and opportunity perceptions?
Research projects
Ongoing projects
Stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination
How are they related? How can two people hold the same stereotype about a group, but completely opposite prejudices and discriminatory inclinations?
Affordance testing
What do we do when we need to find out a person's characteristics but can't observe? We test them.
Social exclusion
Why do we exclude others?
Labs and collaborators I work with
Evolution, Ecology, and Social Behavior Lab
Steven L. Neuberg, Douglas T. Kenrick
& experience
Arizona State University
Ph.D. (2021)
M.A. (2018)
Social Psychology
Peace Corps | Paraguay
Technical Trainer (2015)
Liaison w/ Paraguayan Non-Profit (2013-2014)
Environmental Conservation Volunteer (2011-2013)
University of Notre Dame
B.A. (2007-2011)
Psychology, Spanish majors
Ecology focus
Contact me
I look forward to discussing common research interests! Send me a message.
© 2018